Monday, February 23, 2015

Zoological Bogoriensis Museum The Review

This is most often museum i ever visit, because located in my howe town Bogor. The first time when junior high school  or about 10 years ago. At that time the museum is very distressing, the condition humid, dark even becoming the most haunted place in Bogor.  But now the manager doing the smart move to unify this museum with Bogor botanical garden, so that visitors to the botanical gardens have new things that can be seen. That also meant that you got to pay for two thing, first museum and second the botanical garden, but i don't mind. It cost about IDR 10,000 perperson. This step proved effective, visitors are booming, zoology museum Bogor is only museum i have ever seen with solid numbers visitors. Nevertheless during the 10 years the museum, that preserves a variety of fauna is never add  his collection, i do not see a change other than the location of the collection. With a rich wildlife Indonesia condition does not make sense. Seem the holder totally lazy to add the collection, because since years 2000 there more than 50 new species have been found in borneo alone. 

Eventough never add collection of the animal preserved nor the species frame, seeing some collection of extinct animal is awesome. From birds, monkey, mammals, insect and fish all in good condition, i never bored see this kind exhibit. 

Like other museum the building is dutch legacy, there only one floor and more like collonial house rather building. There also merchandise shop that sell several cool item, i bough a keychain with insect in glass. 

I am really satisfied with this museum, after that we can go out and enjoy the Bogor botanical garden. The right step turn zoology museum from the most sinister place to one of the most visited places in Bogor.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bank Mandiri Museum The Review

Bank mandiri museum  is  actually located in the same building as the  bank of Indonesia museum but the road connecting the two are not opened. So we had to walk out about 500 meters from the  bank of Indonesian museum. Strangely though using the same building  bank mandiri museum looks much different. The building looks old and very scary.

Just as the bank of Indonesian museum, we do not have to pay even do not need to put our stuff in storage. The first  floor will instantly be presenting us with what  bank look like in 1800 and 1900  complete with all the equipment the banks of grandparents era.

 The upper floors presenting objects from 1800-1800 era when this bank operate for the first time, even there is one room that displayed all the director photos. Frankly I do not understand with this museum, what they want to convey with a variety of old-fashioned stuff.

I had lost to the top floor that use  as warehouse,  because there so many alley and stair. This museum is really strange and perfect for shooting a horror movie. I strongly do not recommend and to come unless want to test your nerve.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bank Of Indonesia Museum The Review

Bank of Indonesia museum is located right across Jakarta city station and outside the old town area , the museum itself is essentially showing the history of Indonesia through the economy and the history of Indonesian bank itself. Overall this is one of the best museums in Jakarta and is the most modern, ranging from the placement of the display and collectibles that more use of lighting and technology. Before entering we will be required to put the bag in locker because not allowed to bring anything but you can keep wallet and valuables things.

Although relatively modern and magnificent museum, the bank of Indonesia museum is free of charge, just need to sign the guest book . When i wrote my name on it the receptionist said "you are a student from where?" maybe it because there was never any adults who come. When I came, there were only a swarm of children from chinese school and one caucasians family.

entered the first room we will meet with a huge  cinema, saddly  there no play  on the film may be due to lack of visitors.


One of the easiest ways to give a historical overview is the diorama, here diorama with original size shows how banks and economic activity in the Dutch era. It turns out that the former owner of the bank and the Netherlands while Chinese people working as a cashier or accountant.

Beside the collection related to the bank things, the museum also give us many modern art with laser and audio visual to describe history through economic. I said  its well done, turning all those historical economic to one audio video art exhibiton.

The Gold Chamber

My favorite is the gold deposit room, this supposed to give people how bank keep their gold in the past.

The Money Gallery

I know look like vegas slot machine right? But this is a money display. This room show us money from all over globe not only our time money but also all those old design money that allready unused. You'll be amazed by this collection, knowing what first dollar look like.

This relic came from the VOC dutch bank, on my opinion this look, like those illuminati sign

Ok there something fishy about the building, frankly Indonesian banks museum take half of the former Dutch building. Witch also shared with other museum and that is mandiri bank museum. Who ever manage this museum split this one huge collonial bulding in to two side by side museum. Overall i’m totally recomend indonesia bank museum.

Fort Marlborough Bengkulu

Located on Bengkulu (capital city of southwest coast island Sumatra) fort marlborough actually more appropriate as the cultural heritage rather a museum but the manager changed the castle which was built in 1713-1719 into a Bengkulu historical museum. Fort Marlborough  holds a collection of contemporary British when they still controlling Bengkulu. 

It just is not so much  remaining item, just cannon and some bullets were stored in the basement of the former function as a prison. There is one room that is filled with picture how Britain came to conqured Bengkulu, though minimal collection fort Marborugh cannot called museum. The  value of this place is not in the collection, which is interesting precisely where the fort located it self . 

You will find three graveyard at ford entry, belong to Thomas Parr and Roberth Halmilton, i forgot who the thid but both Thomas and Robert are british officicer who die when Bengkulu peoples attacking the fortes. Those graveyard are covered by cement and survive for more than 100 years. Make me wonder if  there any coffin inside it?

If you all wonder what is this? This is Thomas Parr monument, the british build it for Thomas memorial and located outside the fort. Basicly Thomas Parr is british governor officer, he supposed to took control Bengkulu at time but failed when he die for stoping Bengkulu people uprising.

I found picture the infamous Dr Joseph Arnold in fort dungeon, if you wonder who is Josep Arnold? He is the person who reposible for founding the largest flower on earth, that is raflesia arnoldii, a corps flower that smell like dead person. 

Extra spacious buildings and towering castil, this tub in European fairy tales. Not to mention that it is located alongside the sea, makes fort Marlborough become mandatory menu for the traveler, but if you are  museum lover this place is not really able to entertain much. I strongly suggest to come in the afternoon, other than to avoid the heat and crowds. Enjoy the sunset at the fort Marborough is an experience like no other. Just you and the one you love staring at the sea slowly when the sky fall in to sleep.

Fine Art and Ceramics Museum Of Jakarta The Review

Still from the old town area of Jakarta, I visited a museum that is intended for lovers of art and ceramics. Perhaps more accurately called modern art museum, though Indonesia is not a country that many art lovers. In terms of the outside of the museum building is so magnificent, the building consists of massive pillars like Greek temple or the presidential palace.

As the name suggests there are many works of art and ceramics, you might think better to be galleries rather a museum. Do not be mistaken as a museum of art and ceramics also display a variety of works of art from all periods. Such as jars and plates with a variety of paintings and ancient statues which have high artistic value.

The setting is also very elegant museum, because in it, we will find a variety of stylish display. Ancient and modern artwork is separated into several sections so did its kind such as painting, sculpture and more.

A staircase will lead us to one room gallery displaying a variety of paintings from Indonesia paintings maestro such as Basuki Abdullah and his friends so do not be surprised if cctv cameras scattered.

On the back we will find galleries for painting  and parks for sculpture galleries. One showroom for learning to make pottery clay.

Overall museum and ceramic art is the best in the old town area of Jakarta compared to the puppet museum and the museum fatahillah. I prefer to visit this museum.

First Indonesia President Exile House In Bengkulu

Actually this is not a museum but more resemble historic place for Indonesian independence. Long before I ever came to the exile house of the first president of Indonesia's , precisely when i was nine or ten years. My father was transferred by the office and our family was forced to participate, although eventually we return again to the land of Java. It may not a museum with dpzen of collection, but bung karno exile house give us chance to history learning about Indonesian first president.

Not much has changed from Bung Karno's exile house, everything was as before but there is a small change. This place seems to try to attract visitors by displaying wishing well, really embarrassing.

What's interesting about this exile house this is the diverse  relics from the first president of Indonesia, such as books, beds, clothes, photos and bicycles. It is not much to see but I am quite satisfied, the place is very well maintained and spacious yard looks very beautiful.

Perhaps if you visit bengkulu, the exile home of Bung Karno is a must to visit. You might feel a little glimps about Indonesia first president life .



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