Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bank Of Indonesia Museum The Review

Bank of Indonesia museum is located right across Jakarta city station and outside the old town area , the museum itself is essentially showing the history of Indonesia through the economy and the history of Indonesian bank itself. Overall this is one of the best museums in Jakarta and is the most modern, ranging from the placement of the display and collectibles that more use of lighting and technology. Before entering we will be required to put the bag in locker because not allowed to bring anything but you can keep wallet and valuables things.

Although relatively modern and magnificent museum, the bank of Indonesia museum is free of charge, just need to sign the guest book . When i wrote my name on it the receptionist said "you are a student from where?" maybe it because there was never any adults who come. When I came, there were only a swarm of children from chinese school and one caucasians family.

entered the first room we will meet with a huge  cinema, saddly  there no play  on the film may be due to lack of visitors.


One of the easiest ways to give a historical overview is the diorama, here diorama with original size shows how banks and economic activity in the Dutch era. It turns out that the former owner of the bank and the Netherlands while Chinese people working as a cashier or accountant.

Beside the collection related to the bank things, the museum also give us many modern art with laser and audio visual to describe history through economic. I said  its well done, turning all those historical economic to one audio video art exhibiton.

The Gold Chamber

My favorite is the gold deposit room, this supposed to give people how bank keep their gold in the past.

The Money Gallery

I know look like vegas slot machine right? But this is a money display. This room show us money from all over globe not only our time money but also all those old design money that allready unused. You'll be amazed by this collection, knowing what first dollar look like.

This relic came from the VOC dutch bank, on my opinion this look, like those illuminati sign

Ok there something fishy about the building, frankly Indonesian banks museum take half of the former Dutch building. Witch also shared with other museum and that is mandiri bank museum. Who ever manage this museum split this one huge collonial bulding in to two side by side museum. Overall i’m totally recomend indonesia bank museum.

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